Thursday, October 25, 2007

Get in the Online Nutrition Business that delivers Health, Wellness, Nutrition, Vitamins, Minerals and Herbal Remedies!

Follow this Simple 2 Step Process to Start Your Nutrition Business Today! NON MLM!

Decide that you want to make extra money in the business of nutrition.

Be a Store Owner in 15 minutes!

Sign up now!

Only $299.00 to start your own Nutrition Business!

Here's everything you need to know to start making serious extra income!
  • Turn-Key Business Solution
  • Open Your Business in Minutes
  • Science Based Advice
  • Feature your Business Name and Company Logo with on the Internet
  • Educate Customers through The Nutrition Library
  • Dr. Approved Premium Products You Won't Find Anywhere Else
  • What Do I Need to Be My Own Boss at
  • It Takes only 15 Minutes to Sign-up
  • Earn an Extra $20,000 a Year with Very Little Effort!
  • A 6 Figure Income Is Within Easy Reach; this is NOT MLM.
  • Earn up to 35% Commission
    *This is not Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) you will not share your commission with anyone.
Turn-Key Business Solution
  • has created a revolutionary, turn-key business solution for the sale and distribution of nutritional supplements.
  • Tap into the booming $70 Billion dollar wellness industry by opening your own business NOW!

Open Your Business in Minutes
  • The website and portal has taken 2 years to construct and is one of the largest health & wellness corporate collaborations to hit the industry in years. Now, through a unique licensing opportunity you can open a sophisticated nutrition business in minutes.

Science Based Advice
  • was founded on the premise that consumers are looking for third party clinical research that shows product efficacy plus a trusted advisor who will consult with them.
  • If you're a health and wellness professional, you want to emerge as the source for all of your client's fitness, wellness, and nutrition needs. You have spent years studying in your field and gaining valuable experience to provide your clients with the best and latest information. There is a value to the advice you give to your clients. Your clients already ask about supplements so why not rely on a trustworthy, high quality source who can also provide an extensive library of science-based information from which you can profit?
  • You don't have to be a nutrition expert to sell this line! Our portal provides all the product-specific information you need to sound like a pro.

Feature your Business Name & Co-Logo with on the Internet
  • We mean it when we say open your store. Through the licensing agreement, store owners can customize their web address at name, write your own nutrition blog, post important news articles on health and nutrition and include links to services you offer.
  • It's yours to design or you can use our templates and copy available for your choosing. Use your own photos or select from professional fitness & wellness images available through the site.

Educate Your Consumers through the Nutrition Library
  • offers a science-based product line that can finally clear up the supplement and nutrition confusion for your clients. The site is much more than a store!
  • is a science library including an A-Z NUTRITION GLOSSARY and scientific research reports citing clinical studies that validate the efficacy of our proprietary formulations. We make the science easy for everyone to understand!

Dr. Approved, Premium Products You Won't Find Anywhere Else
  • has collaborated with doctors, biologists, chemists, and sleep specialists to develop a product line that far exceeds generic competition. Selling products enhances your professional image.
  • These high quality nutraceuticals are packed with ingredients supported by clinical test results. They're made to meet the latest proposed GMP standards for dietary supplements in facilities that are certified to meet FDA drug standards.

What Do I Need to Be My Own Boss at
  • 1. Passion for Improving People's Health - You know that proper nutrition and supplementation contributes at least 50% to the success of any health, wellness or diet regimen. You must have a strong belief in the importance of nutrition to be successful in this business. Use the products yourself so you can speak from firsthand experience.
  • 2. $299 Dollars-That's it. There's just so little risk! You'll earn your entire investment back with one client who buys 5 pieces every 4 months. $299 gets you in business today.
  • 3. We'll pay you $150.00 for every person you refer who signs up to run their own store! So telling your friends means instant money in your pocket. You can earn back your initial investment by referring just 2 people!

It takes only 15 minutes to sign up
  • Become a licensed on-line store owner with access to the comprehensive educational tools of All you need is some simple personal information, a valid credit card and your bank account number where we can automatically deposit your monthly earnings.

Earn an Extra $20,000 a Year with Very Little Effort!
  • We inventory the product.
  • We ship the orders.
  • We handle the billing.
  • Your customer places their order on the internet using your retailer code to qualify. They pay with their credit card.
  • All you need to do is sign up your clients and then go to your E-commerce account to see how much commission has been deposited.

A 6 Figure Income Is Within Easy Reach and this is NOT MLM.
  • With you're running your own business. How much money you earn depends entirely on how hard you work.
    • As few as 40 clients can earn you an extra $1,000 or more a month.
    • Less than 300 clients can generate a six figure annual income. This is not an MLM program. There's no other distributor who's sharing your commissions.
  • And NO, there is no big investment to license the business. There's a one time sign up fee of $299 plus a monthly licensing and hosting fee of only $14.95 to maintain your storefront.

Earn up to 35% Commission

Be a Store Owner in 15 minutes!

Sign up now!


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